EMDR Therapy & Consultation

Your Path to Emotional Wellness

What is EMDR and how does it work?


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful psychotherapy approach that has helped millions of people relieve various types of psychological distress. Initially developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s, EMDR is particularly effective in treating trauma and PTSD, but it has also been proven beneficial for a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, phobias, and addictions.


EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing and processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experiences to bring these to an adaptive resolution. Through a structured eight-phase approach, EMDR helps clients reprocess disturbing thoughts and feelings that have not been fully processed, integrating them into their overall mental framework.

The Eight Phases of EMDR Therapy

Phase 1: History Taking

In this initial phase, your therapist will gather a comprehensive history of your background and identify specific targets for EMDR processing. These targets can include distressing memories, current triggers, and future goals for therapy.

Phase 2: Preparation

During the preparation phase, your therapist will explain the EMDR process and techniques to you, ensuring you feel comfortable and informed. You will learn various coping mechanisms and relaxation techniques to manage any emotional distress that may arise during the therapy.

Phase 3: Assessment

In this phase, you and your therapist will identify specific memories to target. Each memory will be assessed to establish a baseline of your emotional and physical responses to these memories. You will also identify negative beliefs about yourself that are associated with these memories, as well as positive beliefs you would like to adopt.

Phase 4: Desensitization

The desensitization phase involves the use of bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, taps, or tones, while you focus on the traumatic memory. This process helps to reduce the intensity of the emotional distress associated with the memory. Your therapist will guide you through the process, helping you to reprocess the memory until it no longer causes distress.

Phase 5: Installation

During the installation phase, your therapist will help you strengthen the positive beliefs you have identified to replace the negative beliefs associated with the traumatic memory. This phase aims to reinforce the positive cognition until it feels completely true to you.

Phase 6: Body Scan

The body scan phase involves identifying any residual physical sensations of distress related to the traumatic memory. Your therapist will guide you through a scan of your body to ensure that no lingering tension or discomfort remains. If any physical sensations are detected, further processing may be necessary.

Phase 7: Closure

Closure is essential for ensuring you leave each session feeling better than when you started. Your therapist will help you use relaxation techniques to return to a state of emotional equilibrium. You may also be given homework to reinforce the progress made during the session.

Phase 8: Reevaluation

In the final phase, your therapist will review the progress made and evaluate the effectiveness of the EMDR therapy. Together, you will assess any remaining issues or new targets for future sessions. This phase ensures that the therapeutic gains are maintained and integrated into your daily life.

Why Choose EMDR?

EMDR is a well-researched and effective treatment method that can lead to significant and lasting changes in how you process and respond to traumatic memories and distressing experiences. It offers a structured approach to healing that empowers you to transform negative beliefs and emotions, fostering a sense of well-being and resilience.

If you are struggling with trauma, anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges, EMDR therapy could be the key to unlocking a healthier, more fulfilling life. Contact us today to learn more about how EMDR can help you on your journey to healing.

EMDR Consultation Services

Grow Your Vision through EMDR Consultation

We take pride in helping clinicians hone their EMDR skills long after EMDR Basic Training. Our EMDR consultation services are designed to support you on your journey to mastering EMDR and applying advanced techniques in real-world situations. Whether you are newly trained or seeking certification, we offer tailored support to help you build confidence and effectiveness in your clinical practice.

Why Seek EMDR Consultation?

Consultation allows you to safely and effectively integrate EMDR therapy into your clinical setting, offering personalized guidance on case conceptualization, client readiness, treatment planning, and the application of EMDR therapy skills. Through consultation, you can develop advanced techniques that enhance your ability to help clients achieve their therapeutic goals, especially in complex cases.

Our Consultation Services Include:

• Individual and group consultation sessions tailored to your learning needs.

• Direct support toward EMDRIA Certification and the Consultant track.

• Case-specific guidance for working with complex trauma, dissociative disorders, and specialized populations.

Pathway to Certification

If you’re seeking EMDRIA Certification, we provide a structured path, ensuring you meet all requirements for certification, including the necessary consultation hours, case studies, and documentation of your EMDR practice.

Consultation is an investment in your professional growth, helping you become more effective in your therapeutic work and confident in your EMDR skills.


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